Lafarge Egypt cares for a clean environment for our communities, building a green tomorrow for all generations. We continue working closely with public & private sectors and civil society to implement our green initiatives all over Egypt.

Lafarge Egypt, a member of Holcim, is committed to decarbonizing its operations, in line with the net zero initiative. The race to net zero will forever change how many companies do business but we at Holcim are ahead of the curve being the first global building materials company to sign the UNGC’s “Business Ambition for 1.5°C initiative”, with 2050 targets validated by SBTi.

We have set ourselves ambitious targets short- and long-term targets validated by SBTi to accelerate our reduction in CO2 intensity. We will maximize the deployment of existing technologies and will start laying the groundwork for our net zero journey to 2050.

Cleaning the Beaches of Baltim from Plastic - 2022

Geocycle Egypt continues its collaboration with Kafr El Sheikh governorate and civil society, to serve the community by cleaning Baltim Beach, with the goal to reduce plastic leakage to the sea, and environmental contamination, contributing to the efforts to mitigate the effects of global warming and reducing the use of imported virgin fossil feedstock in cement manufacturing.

The environmental community service activity is implemented under the auspices of Egyptian Ministries and Kafr El Sheikh Governorate, jointly contributing efforts to serve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and achieve Egypt Vision 2030.

Local youth volunteers have remarkably supported their governorate, cleaning up a 3 km² beach, and collecting an average of 80,000 plastic bottles. The clean-up initiative specifically addresses Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13) pertaining to climate action, which is one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 SDG indicators.