

List of contacts

Gharbia sales office

8,  Hassan Bin Thabit St. - Tanta

City: Gharbia

Region: Egypt

Telephone: 040 - 3287162

Fax: 040 - 3287163

Monofia sales office

Name of division: Monofia sales office

Address : Shebeen El-Kom - The Eastern side - Saad Zaghloul Street, Plot No. 82 ,

City: Monofia

Region: Egypt

Telephone: 048 - 2210296

Sharkia sales office

17 Tolba Awida St. Elzagazig , Sharkia


Phone: 055-2384392

Fax:     055-2384391

Upper Egypt sales office

113 A  El Karnak Temple St. - Luxor

Phone: 095-2371820