Faq 1 : group


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out about latest Lafarge news and upcoming events?

There are several ways to find out about past and future Group events. You can:

  • consult the shareholder and Group agendas,
  • subscribe to the e-mail alerts system to receive updates from Lafarge, including information about Group events,
  • use the R.S.S. feed service to receive real-time notification of updates and additions to the site.
How can I obtain documentation?

Visit the Group and Shareholder sections to download financial reports, reference documents, press releases, press kits and shareholder publications.

How can I obtain a copy of the Lafarge annual report?

The annual report can be downloaded from the Lafarge website, as can our financial reports (quarterly, six-monthly, etc.), press releases, press kits and shareholder publications.

What is the Group’s strategy and outlook for the coming years?

The Strategy pages of the Group section of this site contain useful information about Lafarge's strategy.

How is the Group’s capital structured?

You can find out more about the structure of Lafarge's capital by visiting the Shareholders section of this site.

What is the address of the Lafarge corporate headquarters?

The address of our corporate headquarters is:

Lafarge SA

61 rue des Belles Feuilles

BP 40 - 75782 Paris Cedex 16

Tel.: + 33 1 44 34 11 11

Fax: + 33 1 44 34 12 00

I am looking for a photo. What resources are available to me?

This site has a photo and video library. Use the search engine to search for a specific subject or media (photo, video, etc.).