Lafargeholcim contributes to the community to ensure well-trained youth entering the industrial workforce in suez


Cairo, Egypt, August 2016 - LafargeHolcim organized a one week Occupational Safety and Health workshop for teachers of Industrials Schools in Suez last month, with the aim of teaching them occupational health and safety methods as well as soft skills that will support their career in the future.    



The idea of the program started a year ago when LafargeHolcim ran a study on the labor needs in the market. Field research was conducted in coordination with the Industrial Sector and Technical Vocational Authority in Suez, as well as teachers of the technical schools.

The study showed that the teachers' capabilities needed to be improved through intensive training in Health and Safety. Thus, a Health and Safety technical manual and a Soft Skills manual focusing on communication and team work concepts, were designed for both teachers and students.

After training 33 teachers across 11 Technical Schools in Suez, LafargeHolcim is finalizing the students' manuals to be added to their curriculum for the academic year 2016/2017, which will benefit 11,000 students.

The opening of the LafargeHolcim workshop was attended by Maj. Gen. Ahmed Helmy Al Hayatmi, Governor of Suez, who praised LafargeHolcim's efforts and stressed on the role of the private sector to develop the youth of Suez and ameliorate their skills.
